1968 Dodge Power Wagon 4×4 Wallpaper

1968 Dodge Power Wagon 4x4 pickup
Description: A free downloadable desktop background wallpaper featuring a 1968 Dodge Power Wagon 4×4 pickup. Available in High Definition size.

 1920×1080 – A high definition (HD) 1968 Dodge Power Wagon 4×4 pickup desktop background. Full HD 1080p for any Computer or HDTV.

Other Sizes:


The 1968 Dodge Power Wagon 4×4 pickup background will open in a new window.

PC Wallpaper Instructions:

Right-click on the image and choose “Set As Wallpaper”

MAC (OS 9.x) Wallpaper Instructions:

Drag the image on to your desktop.

Go to Apple menu > Control Panel and select “Appearance”.

Select “Place picture” and locate the appropriate wallpaper.

Click “Set Desktop”.

MAC (OS X) Wallpaper Instructions:

Drag the image on to your desktop.

Go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Personal section and select “Desktop”.

On the “Collection” pulldown menu, go to “Choose Folder” and locate the appropriate wallpaper.

Source Of Image: 440magnum Mopar Enthusiast Network

Note: The desktop backgrounds on the mymopartruck.com site are free for your personal use at home or work. They may not be posted to other web sites or pages or used in any way without permission from the mymopartruck.com web site.